Monday 3 June 2013

Chapter Two - Not What They Seem

"Sir, we've been riding for hours, I'm not even sure we're on the right road anymore."

The young man sighed as he looked at his companion.

"We should have stayed with the group, you're always so reckless, riding on ahead."

"Nonsense Padraic, this isn't a big town I'm sure we'll find where we need to go soon. Besides, I could tell you hated being around those stuffy peacocks as much as I did."

Padriac just shook his head as he looked around.

"Look sir, I see someone approaching in the distance, maybe they can help?"

The man turned his horse to see a young girl walking along the road all alone and frowned slightly.

"Very well, but I do not approve of unaccompanied women, someone should be escorting her, it's only proper."

I was startled out of my thoughts by the sound of hooves approaching, I looked up to find two dirty and ragged men looking down at me and my heart skipped a beat.

"Excuse me Miss, would you happen to know the way to the Felden Estate?"

Despite his bedraggled appearance, the man's speech was clear and fluent.


I was a little surprised by this, I had been expecting the rough speech of a bandit or something, not the eloquence of a lord.

"My companion and I rode ahead of our party, to prepare for their arrival. You know how nobles are if they aren't accommodated to before they even arrive."

His laughter seemed genuine as he teased and I sighed in relief.

"Well then sir, you're on the right track."

I pointed down the road where I had been heading.

"If you just continue this way for a few miles you'll see the Estate, you can't miss it."

He bowed gracefully from the top of his horse, which I found entirely fascinating, I wondered how long it had taken to learn something like that.

"Thank you my lady, I hope your day continues to be well."

"And yours sir."

As they rode away my apprehension about the party lifted slightly, at least I might have someone to talk to tonight, and maybe it would stop Jans from approaching me. I knew no matter what he said, it wouldn't be the last I'd hear of it.


"Everything is going as it should?"

The lady's eloquent voice carried across the small drawing room as Nem stood at ease. He nodded slightly, not keeping his eyes from the wall as he had been taught.

"Yes ma'am, all preparations are in order, the first of yours guests should be arriving soon."


She seemed to hesitate slightly which caused his eyes to flick to hers briefly.

"I...understand that Jans left the Estate with Rose?"

Nem sighed internally, knowing where this was heading.

"Yes ma'am, he felt that in order for things to be at their most efficient, he should accompany her."

"Yes, well...we'll have to remind him not to make that a habit, that is after all, your job."

Nem bowed again, knowing exactly what she meant. He had never liked the young Lord's admiration of Rose in the first place, it just made his job harder...both of them.

"Oh, before you go, please remind Rose that she needs to help Somer get ready as soon as she returns."

The Butler nodded acquiescence just as the chamber door opened.

"Ah, so this is where everyone has gotten to."

Lord Haven Felden grinned as he entered the room, it was a stark contrast to the expression on his daughter's face.

"I trust all is well gathering by Nem's presence."

"Indeed it is my Lord, in fact, I was just about to go finish my duties."

"Excellent, I fully expect tonight to be a wonderful success."

Nem bowed to his masters and turned to leave the room.

"Oh and Nem? Don't forget the patch."


Nem seemed surprised to see me as I entered the small parlour in between the kitchen and the back door.

"You're back early, what happened?"

The concern that flitted across his features made me smile, the Nem I knew was still in there after all.

"Nothing happened Jans- I mean his lordship- asked me to return, that he could do it on his own."

I blushed at my slip up and he frowned but did not push the issue.

"Very well, you are to go and help the Mistress Somer prepare for the evening, and then...get ready yourself. You really shouldn't wear that smock any longer Rose."

And just like that, he had snapped back into aloof butler mode. I sighed and nodded, turning and heading toward Somer's bedroom. I knew I shouldn't wear it, it was getting too small for me, but it was the first piece of clothing I could ever remember buying for myself and I loved it.

"Ah, there you are."

Somer's voice sounded tired as I approached her, almost as if she had not been sleeping well or had been in a long arguement. She looked at me in the mirror, her arms crossed and an expression on her face I couldn't read.

"Apparently a great and handsome Lord will be at the party tonight, Mother and Father invited him especially for the privilege of showing me off."

A bitter smile crossed her lips as her eyes unfocused slightly.

"It must be so easy to be you,"

Her voice was so low but as she said the words it was as though she was shouting in my ear.

"You at least are allowed the privilege of choosing who you love and marry and at the end of all this, retiring to your own home. Being high born is not everything it is portrayed as in the tales."

She sounded so melancholy I just wanted to hug her, comfort her like I used to when we were children, but we were grown now and our differences in station had been made clear to us. As had our responsibilities.

As if she remembered suddenly who she was talking to her mood passed as quickly as it had come.

"Alright then Rose, make me pretty."

It did not take long to do so and I smiled at her in the mirror.

"You are a vision Mistress, any lord who doesn't see that is not worth a second glance."

"Good enough for a lord? Or good enough for me?"

She whispered and smiled before looking at me over her shoulder.

"You'd best get back to your other duties Rose, wouldn't want you getting into trouble."

She left the room with a flourish, her old attitude firmly back in place. I couldn't help but feel sorry for her.

As I stood looking in the mirror all I could think about was how much things had changed recently, we were growing up and even though we had been restricted by rules and duties as children, it seemed as though a noose was slowly tightening around some of us. I only hoped that Somer would like the lord and in the end be happy with him.

The night seemed to be a blur after that, of music -That Nem played skillfully on his violin, and dancing and eating. I was so frazzled I didn't have time to even consider looking for the men I had met earlier or worrying of the whereabouts of Jans.

When I was finally able to catch my breath it seemed that everything was going well. The room was filled with chatter and laughter as everyone moved to sit and entertain. I could not help but admire the lavish clothing and accessories that adorned the bodies of the rich guests, but I was not envious, I didn't think I'd be able to wear or own such things without worry of losing them.

Somer seemed content at least, as yet I had not been able to catch a glimpse of the young lord's face, but the mistress seemed pleased by him. She would blush and giggle when he spoke to her and I was happy that she seemed to be warming to the idea of him.

"Rose! What are you doing? No time for standing about and lollygagging."

Nem's voice brought me back to reality, his stern tone being conveyed even as he whispered in my ear. I mumbled my apologies before heading back to the kitchens.

A small gasp escaped me as someone grabbed my arm and pushed me forcefully against the wall.


"Hush, do not speak."

His face was so close to mine I could smell the mead on his breath. My eyes widened as he held me close, my heart thundering in my chest.

"My lord, what are you doing?"

I had intended for it to be a scolding, but much to my chagrin it came out as a nervous squeak.

"I had to see you, after tonight, seeing all those ladies dressed up in their feathers and bows..."

His hand caressed my cheek, his face earnest, and for some reason that terrified me.

"Even then, none of them compare to you, even dressed as you are now."

I did not have time to protest as his lips covered mine, his tongue forcing its way into my mouth, I made a startled sound and pushed him away, my cheeks flushed.

"Jans, stop!"

It was as though my use of his name startled him back to the present, he looked at me a mixture of horror and something else I couldn't quite interpret written on his features.

"Rose I-"

"I have to go..."

I pushed past him, my heart in my throat as the tears began to blind me, I only hoped he couldn't see as I rushed out of there as fast as I could.

I stood in the alcove, my emotions all over the place, switching between shock, horror and sadness. That had been my first kiss, and I was angry with him for taking it from me, but at the same time I was so sad that I didn't, couldn't return his feelings. He had always been as a brother to me and I was horrified he would want me as anything more then that.

It took a little while for me to calm myself, rubbing my eyes and cheeks I took a deep breath and headed back to do my duties.

I was not looking where I was going and ran right into someone, bowing my head in horror I couldn't stop apologising.

"I'm so sorry my lord I didn't mean to-"

My voice caught in my throat as he turned around.

"Oh, well this is awkward isn't it?"

It was the man from this morning, the one who had joked about nobles. He sounded bemused and I couldn't stop staring at him. Not only was he a Lord but I had seen those clothes, he was the man that Somer had been talking to all night.

"Forgive my inpropriety this morning my lord."

I bowed my head once again, not able to meet his gaze any longer.

"If I had known who you were this morning I would not have been so lax in my manners."

"There is no need to apologise, I did lead you to believe I was a serf myself, it is I who should ask for forgiveness Miss...?"

He was asking my name? No lords ever asked my name, he truly was a strange man, pretending to be a commoner and conversing with me so freely?

"Rose, my Lord."

"Rose, like the flower, a pretty name for a pretty girl."

He smiled at me and I couldn't help but blush as I met his gaze.

"T-thank you sir."

I stuttered a little and he laughed.

"I am Orion, and if it weren't for the so called propriety that is what I would ask you to call me but as it is..."

He smiled gently and leaned toward me and for a moment my heart skipped a beat.

"Would you mind pointing me back toward the party? I seem to have a bad habit of getting lost, I guess that makes you my saviour twice now. I shall have to return the favour one day."

"No need sir, it is my job to serve."

He raised his eyebrows at that and frowned as I told him the way back, but said nothing on it.

"Good night miss Rose.."

I was shocked when he bowed to me and I was frozen to the spot as he disappeared around the corner.

Definitely a strange man, especially for a Lord.

The night could not draw to a close quick enough for me, and by the time I got back to my room I was exhausted. So much had happened and my mind would just not shut off. Thoughts kept whirling around in my head, worry about Nem and Somer and Jans, thoughts of Lord Orion and why he was so friendly to a servant...

I sighed and sat with my head on my knees, I was tired but I would not be sleeping anytime soon.

A knock on the door startled me to my feet, I could only wonder who it could be at this time of night...


  1. i vote Somer

  2. Im Loving this already *-*
    I'm going to with Somer!

  3. I say Somer!
    I'm in love with your story by the way. <3

  4. Amazing! And I say Jans :P
