Wednesday 19 June 2013

Chapter Four - A Babe In The Woods.

"What do you mean...Somer is missing?"

He sighed and looked at the floor as I stared at him, wondering if he was playing with me, but looking at his face...

I could see he wasn't lying.

"She had a fight with Father over a marriage arrangement and stormed off, everyone thought she had gone to her room but when the maids went to tend to her they couldn't find her."

I frowned, so that's what that argument had been about earlier.

"But, I don't understand? I thought she really liked Lord Orion and wanted to marry him?"

 Jans shook his head and sighed,

"She has been betrothed to another lord, a more...prominent and wealthy one. She did not like that apparently, she has become infatuated with Lord Blackabbey."

I just stared at him.

"But...he was courting her, has been for a while now..."

My voice was low and he just rubbed his face, looking more tired then I had ever seen him.

"It's the position that matters Rose, the money, what his name would do for ours..."

"Let me help look for her, please..."

I wanted so desperately to find my friend, to hug her like I used to...

"No, you will stay here in case she returns. I'm sorry Rose, but this isn't the work for a woman."

 I was furious at him for that remark, but I held my tongue. No matter how I longed to go, I could not go against his will or the will of the house. My place had been made clear.

By dawn the men were almost prepared, Jans, The Master, Lord Orion and Padriach as well as who I assumed was Somer's now betrothed, Lord Angus Francis. A walked onto the terrace and saw My Mistress, she looked so sad, so...disappointed. It sent a pang through my heart.

She made no indication that she knew I was there, but she spoke to me as I approached.

"Dear Rose, where did I go wrong?"

I froze at that question, having no idea what to say, but it seemed she was not really looking for an answer. I heard her sigh as she looked over the men, preparing to head out in search of Somer.

"We women, we have our place in this world, and it is to serve our lords and husbands. We live so the line may continue and bring glory to the house, that is all that matters."

She turned to me and smiled sadly.

"You were always a good girl Rose, you know your place."

I turned to look back over the now retreating search party as she left, my eyes catching the figure of Jans as he mounted his horse.

If I was a good girl, I would do what I was told, I would have given in to his charms and become his woman. But I had pride, I had dignity...

He caught my eye as I looked down at him, I could not read his expression and I was sure in that moment that I didn't want to. Jans did not know his place, he had feelings for me that could never be, station would not allow it...

I would not allow it.

As he turned and followed the rest I made up my mind.

As discreetly as I could I made my way back to my room and got dressed. I had been saving the male clothing in case I ever needed to travel as it was easier to disguise myself as a young boy and safer, not that anyone would believe it now that I had grown. But the clothes still fit me so I couldn't complain.

I slipped quietly from the manor and headed in the direction I had seen the search party go.

The Grey Hart Forest, I had never ventured in alone as it was vast and many paths were lost. It had been mostly reclaimed by the undergrowth but I had a feeling if Somer had run she would have come here.

Hours passed, I had walked further and longer then I could ever remember in one day and I was getting tired. And now...

I was pretty sure I was lost.

I looked around for any sign of life but it was eerily quiet and the sun was rapidly setting.

I was such an idiot, in my haste and determination I had forgotten to pack anything to keep me going, I didn't have food or water, not even a knife. I sighed and sat in the shade of a tree, my feet aching and my throat dry.

I wondered how Somer was faring, she was less provisioned then me, or so I assumed, and she had to have been out here since last night. She must be cold, tired and hungry and my heart ached for her. I had called for her for hours, but nothing.

A noise in the trees caught my attention and I leapt to my feet.

My heart was in my throat as I pressed myself against the tree, my eyes straining through the forest for the source of the noise. I had no weapon, what if it was a wolf, or worse- Bandits?

A grunting curse made up my mind for me and I yelped, making a break for it and running through the trees for all I was worth.


A voice behind me called out, but that just seemed to spur me on faster if that was even possible.

I didn't see the rock that caught my boot as I went down hard, knocking the breath from my lungs, I couldn't even scream as I heard the footsteps approaching and the heavy sigh that greeted me.

"What do you think you are doing?"

The voice sounded both irritated and mildly amused and I realised I recognised it. I turned onto my back to find Lord Orion staring down at me disapprovingly.

"My Lord I-"

He crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow, I was lost for words.

"I just...wanted to help..."

My voice was small, I felt like a fool and I knew I was blushing, I could feel the tears starting to form and had to choke them back.

"Well, it looks like I'll be rescuing two damsels today."

His voice did not sound as harsh as it had been and he reached out a hand to me.

"Are you hurt?"

His tone was gentle as I took his hand, it was warm and calloused and enveloped my own. I shook my head as I stood, only my pride.

I checked myself over but there was no damage and it took me a moment before I realised he had not let me go yet.

"My Lord?"

My voice was uncertain, he had a strange expression on his face, it took my words to snap him out of his thoughts. He let me go back he stood looking at me for a moment longer, standing so close it made me blush.

"You really should be more careful, it'd be a shame if you got hurt."

He turned on his heel and started walking briskly back the way he had come, I had to run to catch up to him.

"My Lord, where is your horse?"

I had only just realised he was alone when I had seen him ride off on the beast just this morning.

"I left him behind because he was slowing me down, I felt I must find My Lady as quickly as possible before something happened to her or the guilt would be too much."


I didn't understand quite what he meant by that.

"My Lady Somer came to me last night, asked me to run away with her...I told her I could not, considering she was betrothed to another."

He sighed and stopped and I did the same, not wanting him to see my expression.

"I feel that is the reason she ran away, because I would not go with her. I don't think anyone thought she would seriously do it."

He started walking again and I followed slowly, when he spoke next it sounded as though it was more to himself then me.

"It is probably for the best anyway. I do not think I could marry someone I didn't love."


But he was a lord, he did not have that priviledge, he must marry into a blood line that would secure his fortune and name. At least, that is what I had always been told.

I hurried to catch up to him, thinking not for the first time how odd a man he was.

We walked for a while longer, he seemed to be actually going in a specific direction rather than wandering aimlessly like I had. Suddenly he stopped and held up his hand, motioning for me to do the same.

"Do you hear that?"

I strained my ears, but on the wind a soft sobbing sound reached me.

"My Lady?"

He called out but she did not seem to hear as we approached.

"My Lady Somer?"

She was curled into a ball next to a giant boulder crying, it was obvious she had been there for quite a while. Lord Orion approached her and touched her shoulder, she jerked and cried out, not aware of his presence until he had touched her. Her eyes widened as she looked up at him.

"Oh My Lord! I knew you would come for me!"

Her voice was hoarse from crying as she leapt to her feet and threw her arms around him. He seemed surprised by the action and hesitantly returned her embrace. I did not like the jolt in my chest as I saw it, she seemed so happy to see him and to my eyes it was obvious she was more then just infatuated. I loved Somer and I wanted her to be happy...

So why did it hurt so much?

Voices in the distance caused them to break apart and turn as the rest of the search party arrived, Lord Haven, Jans and Lord Angus approached, the Master seemed more relieved to see Somer safe then angry at her disappearance.

To her credit she lowered her eyes and seemed chastised, I knew her experience in the woods has not been what she thought, she looked like a wild thing and she was embarrassed by all that had transpired.

"When we return, you will do your duty and marry the man chosen for you."

There was no room for argument in Lord Haven's voice.

My heart hurt for her, to be forced to marry a stranger when the man you loved stood not three feet away, I could not imagine such a fate and was glad of the fact that I was not high born. Her quiet assent was all that was needed as everyone turned to leave.

"I told you this was not your problem."

Jans seemed unhappy and I knew that even though Lord Haven was glad to have his daughter back, I would not go unpunished for my disobedience.

"I found her didn't I?"

But I could just not let go of my defiance. My emotions warred within me, why was I so torn with keeping my place and wanting to break free of it? Why could I not be happy? I did not mention the fact that it had mostly been because of Lord Orion that Somer was found.

"Besides, Somer is my friend, I may not be blood but I grew up with her, and you. We are practically family. Why would it not be my problem?"

He just stared at me for a moment before shaking his head and smiling.

"Come, it is getting late and I'd like to be home before I can't see my hands in front of my face."

He took my hand and I let him, I knew I could not refuse nor argue with him at this point. I would take my punishment and I would not complain, but next time, I would be better prepared.

Thursday 13 June 2013

Chapter Three - Unexpected

Nemesis awoke, he was feeling cold, the warmth of the body beside him has disappeared. As he looked around he spotted her by the mirror.

He smiled and watched as she looked at herself, even though he couldn't see her face he knew the exact expression that was on her face. Getting up quietly and stretching he walked over to her.

"What are you doing?"

He wrapped his arms around her shoulders and kissed her face.

"Nothing...I'm just nervous."

He chuckled softly and looked into her eyes as she watched him.

"You needn't be, Lady Snow has a kind heart, she will grant our wish."

She turned to face him, placing her hands on his waist. He stroked her hair away from her face and kissed her forehead.

"Trust me love, everything will be fine."

She smiled up at him, kissing his chin.

"I believe you."

"You want to marry and leave us Nemesis?"

Lady Snow's tone was curious, as though she couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"Yes my Lady, it is my greatest wish."

She watched him, her arms folded, she had always been unreadable and not for the first time did he wish he could read her mind. She had always been benevolent to him, he had served her and her family well just as his boon instructed...

But it was time, time to leave, time to get his own life, the rest of his family could carry on the promises that had been made.

"Very well Nemesis, I will grant you your freedom."

He bowed low and stood, smiling at her, his heart light.

"Thank you so much My Lady."

"There more thing..."

She stood and faced him, a purple light shooting from her fingers, Nemesis' eyes widened in surprise as it shot forth and wrapped around him, suspending him a few feet from the ground.


His tone was hoarse, full of fear as he struggled to break free.

"Did you really think it'd be that easy Nemesis? To just walk away? How could I let such a powerful creature slip through my grasp?"

Her tone was full of disgust and rage, like he had asked the worst thing on earth of her.

A great fire shot through his body and he couldn't help but cry out as he dropped to his knees, he could feel himself changing, his true form being revealed.

"My Lady, please!"

A harsh bark of laughter escaped her throat.

"You'll get what you want Nemesis, but first you must do one thing for me. To retain my power I must have no opposition. Kill the girl and you will be free."

She chuckled as he fell forward, he felt as though his blood were fire, burning him from the inside out. He knew he was doomed, if he did not fulfill her wish he was breaking the oath made by his ancestors to her family, but if he did, he would be breaking that very same oath.

To protect and serve until the heart is returned...

As his body settled and shook, his heart plummeted. He would be free...when he was dead.

He shot up, his eyes wild as he looked around, his body covered in sweat as he tried to catch his breath. It was just a dream, a very bad one.

He relaxed slightly, it had been eleven long years with no word or sign of the Lady or her people, but that never stopped him from keeping up his guard. He sighed and sat up, the poison and curse of not fulfilling his oath was slowly eating away at him, it showed in his face and demeanour and he had been feeling so much worse lately.

He knew that once he was gone there would be no one to protect Rose, keep her safe from the eyes of the Lady. The Master had taken them in as a favour, hidden them in plain sight as servants, but Nemesis could feel things changing, feel the time slipping away.

"I'm so sorry Rose..."

If things didn't change soon, he would no longer be around, and then...

Well, he didn't want to think about it.


"May I come in?"

The door opened and Somer walked in, she would never know just how relieved I was to see it was only her.


She smiled at me, it was a big difference to what I had seen earlier in the afternoon.

"Your meeting went well I take it?"

Those words opened the floodgates and she could not stop gushing about Lord Orion.

"Oh Rose, he is just so nice and handsome, and rich too! He's just...perfect!"

She smiled and looked at me,

"I have you to thank Rose, if it weren't for you I don't think I would have come out of my room today and then I would have missed out."

"There is no need-"

"Yes, there really is. I truly do think he is the one for me."

She pulled me over to the lounge chair and continued her gushing, relaying the conversations they had been having. I nodded absently, all I could think about was my own and how he had called my name pretty. I had no right to be jealous, but she was right, he was kind and handsome, and now that I knew he was a Lord...

It was time to forget about him.

For the next week and a half Somer spent every day with Lord Orion, I had no idea what they talked about but she always seemed so happy and glowing after their exchanged. My Lady watched from the door, a small smile on her face as she watched.

"It seems to be going well, don't you think Rose?"

I nodded as I watched, Somer's beautiful tinkling laugh reaching our ears.

"It should be any day now that he will ask for her baby is growing up."

I smiled sadly, once Somer was gone, that would be one more friend I had lost. Growing up was no fun.

As I was on my way to do the laundry a few days later I spotted Padraic watching.

"Hello Rose, how are you?"

He smiled at me but kept his eyes on his lord, he was a diligent man at arms, constantly on alert for danger toward him. I had gotten to know him a little better when he came to get food to serve to Lord Orion and Somer, he acted as page whilst here so that no one but myself and he ever came into contact with it.

"We will be leaving soon."

"I will be sad to see you go."

He smiled at me gently,

"As we will be sad to leave, my Lord has spoken fondly of you and your helping him again."

Spoken of me? I had seen him around a few times while he was here, but we hadn't spoken since the first day, when I had given him directions. He always smiled at me but I didn't think he would remember me, I shook my head figuring that Padriac was just relaying a nice gesture.

"I am going to miss Somer when she leaves."

My tone was wistful and I sighed, she wouldn't miss me, I was just a servant, she would have better things to do like keeping house and having gorgeous children.

I picked up my laundry baskets and headed back toward the clothes lines.

"Excuse me?"

I looked up having finished hanging out the last of the clothing, I was surprised to find a young woman I did not recognise, she was beautiful and she was smiling at me. It took me a moment to snap out of my stupor.

"Um yes?"

"Could you please...inform me on where I might find Nemesis?"

Nemesis? Did she mean Nem? I never knew that was his full name, it seemed kind of odd.

"Uh, the only person I know close to that name is Nem, he would be in the kitchens right now."

She smiled at me softly and I felt like I was being dazzled by the sun.

"I thank you."

With a bow she turned and left and I had to shake my head to clear the fuzziness.

What was that? 

I didn't have time to think about it as I heard a crash from The Master's drawing room and then raised voices, startled I made my way back into the manor.

 What I saw surprised me and stopped me in my tracks.

"I won't father, I won't do it!"

"You'll do as you're told and you'll do it quietly."

I couldn't understand what was going on, why Somer was so upset.

"It is for the family, this is why you were born, raised. To better our name."

"Why isn't Jans married then? Why must it fall to me?"

I could hear the despair in her voice, she was breaking and there was nothing I could do about it.

"That will come in time, when the opportunity arises, for now it is on your shoulders."

"I hate you!"

With a gasp, tears streaking down her face she ran from the room, she didn't even see me as she stumbled past and down the corridor.

"My everything ok?"

I was bewildered, but he just nodded and sighed.

"It is as it should be, this is her fate and she will come to realise it in due course."

I had no idea what that meant, but the events of the past few days had exhausted me. All I wanted to do was sleep.

I finished whatever tasks I had left, it felt like today had been going forever. Sighing, I made my way to my room, ready to rip off my clothes and tumble into my bed.


I was startled by the voice and slowly turned to find Jans there.

"What...are you doing here?"

He shook his head sadly, as though my reaction to his presence pained him.

"Don't worry, it's not that it's just....Somer is missing..."


" you are."

That voice, Nem stood frozen not believing his ears as he turned to face her.

"You...what are you doing here? How...?"

His questions trailed off as he stared at her and she smiled.

"Is that any way to speak to your fiance...Nem?"

She stood leaning against the wall,

"I've finally found you. I'm never letting you out of my sight again."
