Thursday 30 May 2013

Chapter One - The Other Side.

My name is Rose. For as long as I can remember I've worked for a wealthy lord; cooking, cleaning, just general housekeeping in general.

It's a life I guess, even if it is living for someone else. But I can't complain, I have clean clothes, a roof over my head, I'm dry and warm at night when I sleep. It is a comfortable existance.

 I looked down at the pie I was in the middle of making,

"Shoot, I've forgotten the apples."

I could always make pumpkin pie, but the Master did enjoy his apples.

I took a quick look around before holding out my palm and saying the magic words.

Grinning, I held up the fruits of my effort, magic was always a little draining and I was not that practiced, but something easy like conjuring I could do.



I fumbled to hide the apple behind my back at the irritated growl of my best friend.

"Nem...I didn't see you there."


He looked at me sternly, his arms crossed.

"What do you think you're doing?"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

His scowl deepened as he looked at me.

"Of course you don't."

He was always so curt and cold with me, well recently anyway. I don't know what had happened but I missed the old Nem, the one that used to carry me on his back, laugh with me, play in the snow with me...

It hurt to remember those times and the way he looked at me now, like a grumpy old man.

Sighing I looked down, placing the apple on the counter beside me.

"We were out of apples, it was easier then walking all the way into town."

He shook his head, rubbing his temples.

"We've been through this, you can't be seen using your magic, it is a rare gift and worth a lot to many people."

"I'm sorry Nem, truly."

And I was, I didn't like him being upset with me.


We were startle by the voice of the young Master, he was the son of the man I served and I had grown up with him. He looked the both of us over.

"My father wishes Rose to go into town for supplies, you were to accompany her, but my mother has asked for your presence."

I looked at Nem and he returned my gaze steadily, we both knew what was coming next.

"I will go with her in your stead, I'm sorry Rose, we cannot ride today. The horses are being prepped for the arrival of my mothers guests so we will have to walk."

I smiled and nodded, sighing internally as I prepared the list of things we would need, oh well at least I could grab the apples while I was there.

"...So, we can probably combine those things and lessen the workload for all involved and make it easier for the party tonight."

I had kept up a constant source of chatter as we walked, me just slightly ahead. I tried to keep it light and pleasant, mundane, avoid the topic I knew was coming.


I stopped dead in my tracks, darn it, here we go.

"Have you thought about what I asked?"

His voice was low, hesitant, as though he himself did not want to talk about such things.

I bit my lip, I could feel his gaze on my back, the hope in his voice as he spoke to me.

"You know how I feel Rose, I can't help it."

And I couldn't help the fact that I was lowborn, practically a slave, albeit a looked after one.

"I'm sorry..."

It was nearly a whisper, but the tension around us picked it up and I knew he heard me.

"I know how you feel, but I cannot be your mistress. I will not lower myself even further."

I didn't have to look at him to know the expression on his face.

It was a long time before he spoke.

"Very well, just know this...I will not offer again. I did not think being my mistress such a detestable thing and much more then a kitchen maid."

His voice was not harsh, it was sad and if I had felt more for him then just friendship it might have broken my heart.

"I will go on into the village and make arrangements. You need not follow."

I nodded slowly as he walked away, my heart heavy.



"It is done."

The mirrors metallic tang rang around the room and the woman had to refrain from shooshing it.

The image faded until she was looking at herself again, a small smile crossing her features.

"Finally...I have found you."


Therefore will I cast you out of this land...

 Into a land that ye know not...

 And there shall ye serve other gods day and night...

And you shall be shown no favour...

 Until the deed is done.


The little girl looked up at the hunter, curiosity plain on her features.

"Will you accompany me please?"

"But the animals..."

"They will be fine for now, will you follow me?"

She frowned slightly, knowing she may get into trouble if the animals were not put away, but the hunters soft but insistent voice swayed her.

 She followed him for what seemed like an age, her little heart beating and her breathing ragged. Just as she was beginning to stumble and wonder where he was taking her he turned and knelt before her.

"Do you trust me?"

She was surprised by the question, her eyebrows raising and her lips parting slightly.

"With my life, as I have always done."

He looks sad for a moment, then nods slightly, determination crossing his features.

"Then I must save you, to do so we must go far away from here."

"But why?"

She did not understand, her child's brain wondering why he seemed so upset.

A sad smile spread over his face as he stood and picked her up.

"The world is a cruel place...One day, you will change that."